Abstract Submission Rules

TITLE: | Title length should not exceed two lines, and must be written in all capital letters. |
Principal Author, Second Author, and Third Author etc. Type family name first, followed by initials, not qualifications. Followed by affiliation (name of organization).Author names without specifying the exact title name, should be written as: last name, first name and institution / city / country and the name of the author presenting the paper should be underlined. |
FORMAT : | Abstracts must be typed and be submitted via e-mail (Microsoft Word files preferred). All information must be set out in the following order: Title, Authors and Affiliations, Objectives, Method, Results, and Conclusions. |
ABSTRACT: | Abstract should include all of the study. |
OBJECTIVE: | Study should explain the purpose of the project. |
METHOD: | Briefly outline the project, methods used |
RESULTS: | Summarize results, include adequate evidence to support. |
CONCLUSION: | Briefly indicate main conclusion/s |